Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My fantastic School


                      Hi! Guyz! ^_^                
                      Here in  School I saw  big grounds, many trees, plants, classrooms for  grade VII, grade VIII, grade IX and 4th year. There are 40 Teachers and many students. Even if the school is old it is still more fantastic and beautiful, our principal is trying to achieve the school to become more beautiful. There are a lot of activities and experiences you would know about in MNHS ( Manay National High School ), many friends to hangout, and others. The teachers in MNHS are nice, kind loving, caring and has confidence to teach us how we grow as professionals, good attitudes, experience in life, nature, history and more. Our School has computers for the computer or ICT Student's to learn computer and other staf in it, cullinary for the cullinary students to learn cooking delicious food, Agriculture for the Agri Students to learn how to plant flowers, vegetables and more, Civil Tech. for the Civil Tech student's to learn building , recreating things and draw. Obviously, I studied here in MNHS as a 4nd year student from the advisory of Mrs. Lalaine Viernesto, she is a dependent woman to us and has a very kind and gentle heart. In our batch were the trouble makers cause we like to fool around, make jokes, have fun and the most noisiest students. It's kinda a bit sad this year cause this is our last year in high school, we thought that we would still be here in school to have fun with friends and with the teachers but I think that wont happen next year, cause we are going to graduate but we are going to keep our fun times in school. Here in MNHS I am a Computer student or a ICT student you can visit me at our ICT class blog and if your going to learn more about computer just visit at teachinglearningict. ^_^

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